
Classico is an Italian word, which means“classic”. We pursue a kind of simplicity and convey classic spirits of returning to the basis. The brand was founded in December, 2012 in Taipei, Taiwan by two Taiwanese designers – Gary and Tom.

Classico is attribute to the retro classic,has a charming retro flavor with hand made . 

Gary’s father has been running business of eyewear for over 35 years as an OEM for domestic and international boutique brands. Gary, a freelance photographer, loves old-fashioned and classic stuff. He started his family business for well-known brands after he completed military service. Several months later, he came up with an idea to start up his own company, and “Classico” was the prototype in his mind.

Tom, a passionate designer, is enthusiastic about design and also enjoys old-fashioned atmosphere. He has had an obsession with handmade glasses since he was young and been fond of vintage Vespa scooters since the age of 30.

The establishment of Classico was in order to share more beautiful things and to give unique aesthetics to people.

Gary and Tom, who have a common interest in loving old- fashioned and classic stuff, met in a gathering of vintage scooters. After they reached consensus during the conversation, they started to build their own brand – Classico. 

“We would like to redesign and reproduce the classic things from the past and present to you and us in the present.” they said.